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  • Poetry 

  • Public Relations 

  • Passionate

Describe yourself: major, internship, student involvement, etc.

I'm a junior at DePaul majoring in PRAD with a minor in creative writing. I'm set to graduate a quarter early, so maybe I'm a senior. I recently began my PR internship at Walker Sands, a B2B PR agency in the city. I'm the VP of digital in DePaul's chapter of PRSSA. This means I manage the website and blog. All I do for fun is write. I am one of the founders of Warehouse Writers, a writers collective, and an active member of Poems While You Wait. I self publish poems on Instagram, @K.P_poetry.


What are you passionate about and how do you hope to imPRint your passion into your PR career?

I'm passionate about writing if you couldn't tell! PR allows me to write in a creative and professional way. I get to challenge myself creatively and am constantly learning. Writing about business communication technology is different than writing a poem, but similar in many ways. I get to see how concise I make my writing and love impressing supervisors with my work.


What do you think makes a career in PR exciting?

It's constantly changing. No two days are the same. One day may be responding to negative tweets, the other may be writing a blog post about an event hosted last week. The only thing that stays the same is the pace. PR keeps you on your toes! You also get to pick what passion you focus on. I am very focused on writing, others on graphic design. It works for the industry too, there is hospitality PR, consumer PR, tech PR and so much more!


What has been one of your favorite projects or events? 

At my last internship with FLOS dental, I got to work on rebranding. The dental office didn't want to work with the marketing office to create content for social media. This meant we had to rethink everything. We came up with FLOS'd Today? Very similar to Got Milk? I got to create the logo, content, and long term strategy for this. It's satisfying to see good results from the work I've done.

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